New York Fish Finder Users

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New York User List

Fisherman Username Name Joined Views Points State
DAVID RIVERA tunnelrat41 DAVID RIVERA 02/25/25 251 0 New York
Guy Ursitti guynyc3 Guy Ursitti 12/07/24 227 0 New York
Guy Ursitti tattooerman Guy Ursitti 12/07/24 162 0 New York
Anton  Khudolii antonny777 Anton Khudolii 10/23/24 303 0 New York
Mike McVicker mmcvicker Mike McVicker 09/05/24 211 0 New York
Michaela  Kirby mmkirby Michaela Kirby 06/21/24 346 1 New York
Kenneth Blenk dentata Kenneth Blenk 06/20/24 274 0 New York
Kenneth Blenk govrock Kenneth Blenk 06/20/24 252 0 New York
Kenneth Blenk bendare Kenneth Blenk 06/20/24 247 0 New York
Joshua  Sheffler slickjosh22 Joshua Sheffler 06/19/24 297 0 New York
grant crowder grant grant crowder 06/05/24 2314 1 New York
Jeff Parker marinejunkie41 Jeff Parker 06/02/24 351 0 New York
Talon Vance talonv19 Talon Vance 05/28/24 553 0 New York
Matthew CREIGHTON mattyc42 Matthew CREIGHTON 05/11/24 263 0 New York
Leonard Dimon keukalen Leonard Dimon 03/23/24 309 0 New York
Mr. Smooth fisherny Mr. Smooth 03/21/24 286 0 New York
magflalvasipseld magwerVE magflalvasipseld magflalvasipseld magwerVE 02/23/24 326 0 New York
Michael Helgans mikey111 Michael Helgans 12/20/23 347 0 New York
Erik T erikt Erik T 09/28/23 434 0 New York
James Smith fishfinder10 James Smith 09/17/23 348 0 New York
fishing101 09/13/23 310 0 New York
Sept Bones Jones scumpuppet4u Sept Bones Jones 09/03/23 331 0 New York
Nathan Moore dieselnate Nathan Moore 07/19/23 265 0 New York
Bra Ez brh Bra Ez 06/28/23 266 0 New York
Kara Carlsen karacar Kara Carlsen 06/10/23 312 0 New York
Kelly Sheppard sheppk Kelly Sheppard 05/14/23 320 0 New York
Michael Silverstein mikeinrochester Michael Silverstein 05/09/23 276 0 New York
Jay Miner redleg318 Jay Miner 04/21/23 436 1 New York
William  Rose billrose7 William Rose 04/03/23 308 0 New York
Don Grippo Don Grippo 03/27/23 322 0 New York
Mina Emma emminastyles Mina Emma 02/18/23 276 0 New York
Monwell Floyd monwell6 Monwell Floyd 01/13/23 305 0 New York
nyesox 12/18/22 404 1 New York

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