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"Get Hooked on New York"


Group Info:



World Fly Team


New Oranization looking for members


Capt. Bob Salerno


Stan Crampton

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04/24/11 07:30 PM
If any one can get down to Tennessee there is a great opportunity to catch some 'world - class' Brook Trout . Areally good stocking program is ongoing in tailracesalong with some selected rivers. Go to : www.tnwildlife.org .

04/08/11 04:19 AM
To the other two members : I may live in Birmingham , Alabama but there is something about casting the feathers and fur . I'm trying to promote flyfishing here also . My work schedule hampers my angling but I'm trying to work less . If ya'll don't mind I'm clicking your friend icons and wish the same for myself . You may want to click on to Tyers and Liars group with my blessings gutentag AL and good day Capt. Bob . By the way Al , I lived in Berlin when they finished "THE WALL ", I wished I was there when it came down ..........roaminangler .

04/08/11 04:18 AM
To the other two members : I may live in Birmingham , Alabama but there is something about casting the feathers and fur . I'm trying to promote flyfishing here also . My work schedule hampers my angling but I'm trying to work less . If ya'll don't mind I'm clicking your friend icons and wish the same for myself . You may want to click on to Tyers and Liars group with my blessings gutentag AL and good day Capt. Bob . By the way Al , I lived in Berlin when they finished "THE WALL ", I wished I was there when it came down ..........roaminangler .

07/05/09 10:35 AM
Our new website will be out this July, our Team Caddis Series fly rods will also be orderable on the new website along with our affiliated partners products don't forget to check it out. Also fly fishing in Europe in a Kayak is slowly hitting the scenes, we will be able to have these kayaks onto our website as well. check out the stories

03/15/09 01:51 PM
Team Caddis has just open it`s door for Rod and Reel Anglers

03/07/09 04:13 AM
Check us out at our web site www.teamcaddis.com

03/05/09 10:05 AM
Strengthening the bonds of international Fly Anglers and business

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Mar 05, 2009

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 3
Views: 26136

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