Black Sea Bass Details

Black Sea Bass Source: Raver, Duane. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Centropristis striata
  • Common Names: Sea Bass, Blackfish
  • Water Temp: 59-64 degrees
  • World Record: 9lbs 8ozs
  • Last Modified By: davetroy on 08/08/10 10:07 PM
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Baits and Tackle for Black Sea Bass

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • clam
  • green crabs
  • mussels on hook jigging
  • Mackerel

Other Check Prices

  • chunk bait clams or fish bluefis rigs and 2 to 3 oz weight
  • clam
  • gulp

Plastic Swimbait Check Prices

Saltwater Jig Check Prices

  • sqid

Minnow Check Prices

Squid Check Prices

  • squid and minnows
  • sabikis

Black Sea Bass Description

General characteristics:
Black sea bass, as their name indicates, are usually black. But like many other types of fish, they have the ability to adjust their color to blend in with the bottom. Their colors may take on a gray, brown, black or even a deep indigo hue. The sides of their body may have dark vertical bands. But most distinctive is their skin, when seen up close resembles a fishnet pattern, because of the dark color that appears in the margin of their scales contrasted with the lighter color underneath the scales.Perch-like bottom/reef fish, dark black with blue speckles and some white markings.It is a type of Grouper (Serranidae) found more commonly in northern than in southern ranges.
They can be found in inshore waters (bays and sounds) and offshore in waters up to a depth of 130 m (425'). They spend most of their time close to the sea floor and are often congregated around bottom formations such as rocks, man-made reefs, wrecks, jetties, piers, and bridge pilings.Caught mostly by bottom fishing bait and jigs.

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